I am not sure if it's just me, or if every college student's life is full of awkward moments. Whether it be someone accidentally passing gas on the bus, my roommate sneezing a stream of snot across the room, or just not knowing what to say when approached by a weirdo, awkwardness seems to enter each and every day of mine.
I have always been proud of my ability to take control of any situation. At even the most awkward times, I can somehow make light of the situation and allow it to be more comfortable for everyone invovled.
However, my most recent moment of inconvenient circumstances definitely wins the award for how awkward a situation could possibly be.
Every Tuesday night my friends and I have movie night at one of our apartments. Usually it ends up happening at my friend Jessie's apartment across town. I have a 6:00pm-9:00pm class on Tuesday nights, so I am usually pretty tired after it considering my Tuesday morning starts with a 9:40-11:05 class, and I really do not have much of a break at all. So, when my roommates told me we were having movie night at our apartment, I was excited. I could lay on my own couch until I fell asleep without worrying about being at someone else's apartment and having to drive all the way home after the movie.
I did not think twice about my friend, Kelly, informing me that she would be bringing her new boyfriend, Josh, to movie night. She was so excited about their brand new relationship and wanted all of our friends to meet him. After she gave me a brief recap of their week-long romance, I said, "Okay, awesome. I can't wait to meet him!" and then we got off the phone.
Josh is a fairly common name, right? Everybody knows a million people named Josh. Perhaps, that is why I did not even think that this particular Josh could even possibly be a Josh that I already know. The most recent person I have had an encounter with named Josh was a boy I met at a club in downtown Nashville. I was extrememly inebriated and so was Josh. We danced for a few songs and then went to the outside area of the bar so we could get sone fresh air. He told me he also attended MTSU and we spoke about a professor that we had both taken at different times of the previous school year. The only other thing I really remember about our conversation was that we exchanged phone numbers.
Due to the amount of alcohol I had consumed, I was feeling sort of nauseous. One minute we were laughing and I was trying to fix my hair, and the next minute he was yelling at me because I threw up on his shoes, his pants, and in his beer.
My friends, Lacey and Tasha, seen me from a distance and came to my rescue. I was escorted to the car where I continued to throw up until I got home, and passed out on my bed.
The next morning, Lacey and Tasha told me about how mad the guy I was talking to, Josh, had been. I was so embarrassed. However, I was even more embarrassed when I checked my text messages. Josh had text me. He actually text me about four or five times. My favorite one of his text messages said, "Cassie, seriously you are too cute to be getting that drunk. You threw up all on my s***. Great night but um, yeah I don't think we can talk after that. See you around." Well, that was that. I never though I would actually see him again, or even care if I did see him.
It's a small world. I was laying on my couch, ice cream in hand, and ready to watch this movie. There was a knock at the door so my roommate gets up to answer it. I hear her say, "Hey Jessie!" and then Jessie walks in. Immediately following behind Jessie, there was Josh. I'm pretty sure my heart stopped. It took him only a short second to realize who I was. So he said, "Hey Cassie," and then he started laughing. Jessie was looking at both of us trying to figure out how we knew each other. I still had not said a word, but my face was as red as a fire truck. I could feel the blood rush to my face and the moisture exit my mouth and go all the way down my throat. I finally mustured up the word, "Hi."
Jessie finally asked where Josh and I knew each other from. I lied. I simply said we knew each other from school. Thank goodness Josh played along.
The remainder of the night was filled with everyone else laughing at the movie, while I stared. I stared at the tv, ate my ice cream, and did not say a word.
Last Tuesday night was an epic fail.
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