No college professor should give only one day to work on and turn in any assignment. College students have other things to do. Everyday I wake up and either go to class or to work. Monday, Wednesday, Friday, and every other Saturday and Sunday, I must slave away for eight hours at my job. On Tuesdays, My day begins with class at 9:40am and continues until my final class is over at 9pm. Thursdays, I have a slightly shorter day since I my final class lets out at 5:45pm. Oh, the joys of being a college student that also works about thirty hours a week.
I'm not sure when these professors expect me to do all these stupid assignments. The most annoying thing is when I get an assignment during my 1:00-2:20pm class on Tuesday, and it is due by midnight of the same day. Is he serious? I do not get out of class until 9pm and in order for me to submit this little assignment I have to go to the BAS and use the computer lab, because my laptop is a piece of crap. The very last thing I want to do after being on campus for twelve hours is walk to the BAS, in the dark, by myself, on MTSU's campus.
MTSU is not exactly known for being the safest University. It is not uncommon that female students are assaulted at night, or even during the day, while being on campus alone.
I like to wake up early on days that I have to go to work, so that I can get as much homework and studying done as I possibly can. I usually do not have to go into work until 2pm. Therefore, I tend to get a lot done before I have to go. If my professors would actually think about the fact that some students do not have time to finish an assignment the very first day is it assigned, I would actually have time to turn it in. But no, they must think that their class is the only class I am enrolled in and that I do not have a job to go to almost everyday.
Time-management is not my problem. I am very good at getting things done whenever I have the time to do them. Anytime that I am not in class or at work, I get my school work done before I participate in my favorite activities; hanging out with my friends and drinking margaritas. Thanks to all my professors that think I have all the time in the world to work on their assignments, I have no time for anything except putting things into the Dropbox on D2L.
Today, I ended up calling out of work in order to have one full day to only work on homework and studying. I will probably regret this decision when my paycheck comes, but since my professors think I am superwoman, I will just have to deal with it.
No assignment should ever be only given ONE DAY to complete.
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