Go to the party, or stay home and study? Go to the movies, or go to the BAS and finish the endless amount of homework? Go shopping, or read the assigned chapter for World Civilizations Part 2?
I'm at a constant struggle, between myself and myself. I enjoy making good grades and not having to stress out over being unprepared for tests, essays, etc. However, I thoroughly enjoy partying, movies, shopping, going out to eat, drinking margaritas, and just plain "hanging out". Even the simple task of making myself go to class can be a difficult situation sometimes. It just always seems like there is something else I would rather be doing.
Whenever I think about how much I hate doing school work, I also think about how much I hate working a minimum wage job right now. I literally work like a slave just to make a few dollars. I get to go to work for a too many hours, get bossed around like I'm a three year old, and just be miserable until time to leave. I definitely do not want to be working a minimum wage job for the rest of my life. I would not even be able to survive except for the simple fact that my parents pay for basically everything of mine while I'm still in college. The only thing I have to pay for is food, shopping, and margaritas. If I had to actually pay some bills, I would be homeless, food-less, and alcohol-less.
The hardest part of college is time management. If I could master the art of managing my time, I would be much better off than I am now. My free time should be spent studying instead of hanging out with my friends, but it is really hard to make myself do productive things with my time.
Fortunately, I realize that I want a college degree. I do not want to struggle while raising a family later on in my life. I want to continue to have nice things and be comfortable. I want to be able to support my children the way that my parents support me. So, I have to choose school over all the fun stuff. Until I graduate, I have to cut back on the margaritas and shopping trips, and spend my free time studying and writing papers. I also have to keep reminding myself that college is just a stepping stone that I have to get through in order to have a successful life. I must give myself continuous pep-talks in order to stay focused on the bigger picture. I have to actually act like I am responsible so that my parents don't think I'm a complete failure.
Thank God, I only have two more years left of college.
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