Twitter has changed the life of many people, especially college students.
Events, television show, movies, games, sports, and just about every aspect of our culture has been magnified by a social networking site called Twitter. When anything that is of high publicity has been shown on the television or on the internet, people tweet about it. In return, other people on twitter want to know what is going on so that they can tweet about it also. For example, award shows such as, MTV Awards, VH1 Awards, the Grammies, the Hip Hop Awards, etc. These award shows are internationally broadcasted and then made into an even bigger deal due to the fact that tweeters go insane, because they have to tweet about every single thing that happens during the program.
College students have taken to twitter more than any other group of people. Tweeters tweet about things that happen during class, homework, roommates, assignments, projects, weird people on campus, annoying professors, worrying parents, promoting parties, etc. The list goes on and on.
My personal twitter career began March 4, 2010. I kept hearing everyone at MTSU talk about twitter, and people kept asking me what my Twitter Name was. So, I decided to break my addiction from Facebook and give Twitter a try. I kept my Facebook account of course, however I made my twitter page and my Twitter name is @im_Cassanova. At first, I did not understand the whole concept of Twitter. What do I say? Who cares what I'm doing right now anyways? Who do I follow? Who even wants to follow me? I was confused so I did not get back on my account for over a month. After I got my first iPhone, I was downloading applications and I saw one for Twitter. I downloaded it and set up the features for my account access on my phone. I was shocked to see that I had a couple followers, so I followed them back and began searching for more people at MTSU. Before I knew it, I had almost 500 followers and I was actually getting the hang of tweeting. I have always been good at expressing myself and I try to find hilarity in everything that I experience. Therefore, my tweets were sort of entertaining.
I knew I was addicted to Twitter when I began to wake up checking my timeline instead of my missed text messages and phone calls each morning. I used to tweet during all of my classes. Even though I hate to admit it, I am very happy that none of my professors this semester allow cell phone usage during their class times. I definitely pay much more attention when I am not tweeting the whole time.
Now, I consider myself an experienced tweeter. All of my friends are now on Twitter and honestly we communicate through Twitter more than anything else. I have quite a few more than 500 followers now and I try to always follow each person back so my timeline is very entertaining. Also, considering that I am coming up on reaching my 25,000th tweet, I am definitely addicted just as nearly every other student at MTSU.
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