Free time. What is that? I'm gonna tell you. Free time is time that is not occupied by an activity in which you are required to do. Activities that I am required to do each week are, go to class, go to work, clean my apartment, buy groceries, do homework, and studying. All of these things could possibly just not be done, but the consquences of not going to work would be, not having a job and not having money. The consequences of me not going to school or doing homework and studying would be, I would fail my class and not graduate from college. I really like money and I really want to graduate from college. Therefore, I am required to do what I need to do in order to make both of those things happen. Having a clean apartment is not important to everyone. However, I cannot stand having a dirty apartment. I clean my bathroom every other day, I make my bed every morning and make sure my room is clean before I leave, I wash my dishes as soon as I'm finished with them, I dust every few days, and keep all my laundry done. When I was growing up my parents made us keep our house clean, so now that I live on my own I still find it very important to live in a clean environment. So, even though cleaning is not necessarily a top priority to a lot of people, it is to me.
Now, after all of the things I need to do are finished, I have what is commonly referred to as free time. I do not get to enjoy the pleasures of free time very often, so when I do finally get a little time to do what I want, I often end up sleeping. If I choose to partake in an activity other than sleep, I have several options. My free time options usually consist of shopping for things I do not need, drinking margaritas at Camino Real, going out somewhere downtown Nashville, watching scary movies in the dark with my roommates, hanging out with my lovely friends while we gossip and crack jokes, going tanning, working out at the Rec, going to get my nails done, and occasionally an exciting opportunity to do something spontaneous will occur. Believe it or not, I thoroughly enjoy every second of free time that I get. I work hard at my job and I give my best efforts to being a college student at MTSU. But as most people already know, being a full time college student and having a part time job is very time consuming. Free time is very limited and I would advise everyone to enjoy all of your free time and treat yourselves to a little fun and maybe even some pampering. I know guys do not really enjoy tanning, shopping, or getting there nails done, but it is important for men to pamper themselves during free time as well.
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